Publié le 1 Mars 2011

You’ll have to expect from me, more and more, reviews of boring / outlandish movies where Nutan or perhaps Waheeda Rehman have starred, and which I will have seen out of sheer silly infatuation (mind you, I cannot bring myself to review films that would...

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Publié le 8 Février 2011

I am not sure I shall be able to do justice to Khushwant Singh’s little novel (published in 1956). It seems both too simple, too factual, and so because of that, too deeply rooted in Indian history and drama (for those who need the plot, go here ). Not...

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Publié le 26 Janvier 2011

There are many reasons why the spectators might not have liked Guru Dutt’s opus, Kaagaz ke phool back in 1959. First its badly-humoured despondency (why go to the cinema and see sad things, life is sad enough as it is), then its flaunting of proper morals...

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Publié le 31 Décembre 2010

Manzil (Mandi Burman, 1960) was a partial disappointment. Not that I had so much to expect from a film that I didn’t know before, and that I just got hold of because of Nutan. But it starts pleasantly, with two childhood friends meeting again now that...

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Rédigé par yves

Publié dans #Nutan

Publié le 28 Décembre 2010

In Satyajit Ray’s Home and the world (1984), there is a mystery: why does Nikhil (whose name means “free”), the open-minded husband who wants his wife to espouse modern ideas and leave the traditional confinement of the home (the Purdah), let her see...

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Publié le 15 Décembre 2010

Seema (1955, Amiya Chakrabarty ) has been hailed as Nutan Samarth’s cinematographical revelation. In this story of a wronged young girl, she shows a sensitivity and a maturity which are striking for one so young. At only 19, she effortlessly steals the...

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Rédigé par yves

Publié dans #Nutan

Publié le 12 Décembre 2010

As unofficially self-proclaimed supporter and glorifier of Nutan, I am proud to admit within the very close circle of Nutan worshippers Sharmi , whose site is devoted to pastime movies, and especially contains some wonderful praise of Nutan Behl. She...

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Publié le 1 Décembre 2010

S araswati Chandra ( Govind Saraiya , 1968, last Bollywood movie in B & W) tells the story of a young aristocrat, Saraswati (Manish), who is indifferently raised by his step-mother and yet grows up and becomes a compassionate person who has lofty ideas...

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Rédigé par yves

Publié dans #Nutan

Publié le 24 Octobre 2010

This classic 1964 by Satyen Bose is one of superlatives, "one of the best pictures ever made", a "golden movie", a "perfection from the past" (see IMDb user comments )! It’s certainly worth the praise, in spite of the chock-a-block melodrama. But very...

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Publié le 13 Octobre 2010

Satyajit Ray’s “Mahanagar” (The Metropolis, 1963, based on a short story by Narendranath Mitra) is a fascinating and thoroughly original work of art. It is at once a beautifully realistic love story, a profound sociological study into men and women’s...

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Publié le 30 Septembre 2010

Hi, I've found this text written a long time ago probably after having seen KKHH one of the first times! Enjoy! Where does the poignancy of love come from? This love in need of love, this need which screams in the face of the loved one “I will make you...

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Publié le 16 Septembre 2010

“Don’t hand out money to beggars in crowded places. You will be swarmed. In fact, authorities advise that you don’t give money to anyone asking for a handout. If you want to give, by all means do so — India has many, many worthwhile charitable organizations....

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Publié le 11 Septembre 2010

Just watched Don (2006 one), by Farhan Akhtar, since it was shown on French TV last Thursday. I knew from filmiholic that « bilkul bindaas hai », and laughed at Maja ’s swooning and gushing over Arjun Rampal’s stubble. But I hadn’t given it much more...

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Publié le 8 Septembre 2010

Have you heard of an author called Heather Wood ? Have you heard about this book “Third-class ticket” (1980)? No? Neither had I, until recently. But someone gave it to me, suggesting it might be interesting to read, and I took it along with me during...

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Publié le 30 Août 2010

Bonjour à tous, Voilà, nous sommes rentrés... Normal, évidemment, mais bon, que cela a été vite! Le séjour dans le Rajasthan, avec notre chauffeur privé VIP, les passages endiablés à Delhi, et puis le séjour dans les neiges (enfin, les boues) de l'Himachal...

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