Publié le 3 Mars 2016

During our stay in October I finally went to the movies in India… A little post on this! (those of you who can read my French have had a little preview of the event here ). Almost ever since the beginning of my interest in Bollywood, people had been telling...

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Rédigé par yves

Publié le 21 Février 2016

Nutan left us 25 years ago today. Here's a tribute to the actress who now shines from high above: I have simply selected some unpublished photos of her (well, perhaps not all), and hoped that some of you would enjoy seeing them. First a selection of non-film...

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Publié dans #Nutan

Publié le 24 Octobre 2015

Le dernier post vous a laissé haletant(e)s sur l’autoroute (?) qui nous menait à Jaipur, ignorant la suite… Voici venu le moment de combler votre curiosité ! Ne pas oublier que le « tour » de 3 jours organisé par BK BIET avait attiré 13 personnes, dont...

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Publié le 21 Octobre 2015

BK BIET se trouve à Pilani, petite bourgade à 150 kms de Delhi, mais le bourg lui-même vaut le détour, enfin, si on y est, il y a des choses intéressantes. En fait, la ville est une espèce de Cambridge modèle réduit, car le coeur de la ville est composé...

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Publié le 19 Octobre 2015

I knew before coming to Pilani that I would have to deliver an address in the context of the Conference on Communications Systems, but of course it couldn't be a scientific paper, so I had devised a subject called "the pleasure of communication", which...

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Publié le 18 Octobre 2015

Les festivités ont commencé! Hier, une rencontre entre industriels et université, et aujourd'hui la grande séance d'ouverture de la Conférence ICCS-2015, avec tous les intervenants venus d'inde et de l'étranger, dont un bon contingent de français, car...

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Publié le 16 Octobre 2015

Notre arrivée s'est faite en plusieurs fois, selon les horaires des avions que chacun avait pu prendre. Ainsi, quand nous deux les profs sommes arrivés à Delhi, on a vite eu l'info que le premier groupe de 4 étudiants était déjà arrivé (vers 9h) à Pilani,...

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Publié le 12 Octobre 2015

Hi all, this blog will revert to a travelog for a few days, as I'm off to Pilani, Rajasthan with my school, for a ten-day stay there and thereabouts. After the failure (seems a strong word, but well, that's what it really was...) of our attempt last year...

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Rédigé par yves

Publié le 5 Juillet 2015

For those who need the summary of the story, please check Goodreads. The Good Indian wife is a novel of many qualities, in spite of a few flaws, perhaps because it’s Anne Cherian’s first. First a simple but effective story, based on a simple theme: can...

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Publié le 22 Juin 2015

It seems that India collects “eternal love” stories: on top of that of Layla and Majnun, Khosru and Shirin, Sohni and Mahiwal, there is (among many others) that of Heer and Ranjha. This last epic has been the subject of numerous versions, the Wiki page...

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Publié le 10 Juin 2015

Hey, a new blog about my movies!! Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce the official launch of MUSINGS , a new blog by S. Basu which he has announced will deal chiefly with Nutan, since the author is a die-hard fan of the lady, but also perhaps on...

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Publié dans #Nutan

Publié le 2 Juin 2015

This post is about a not so common cinematographic quality, intelligence. If people in general would agree that actors need a good understanding of their roles in order to act well, perhaps they’d also say they can just rely on what the directors tell...

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Publié dans #Nutan

Publié le 5 Mai 2015

Jana Aranya (1976 - The middleman) is about a young man called Somnath (Pradip Mukherjee), who discovers that in order to succeed in the world of business you have to accept to compromise your principles, and find yourself losing an innocence which you...

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Rédigé par yves

Publié le 30 Mars 2015

In the morning I cast my net into the sea. I dragged up from the dark abyss things of strange aspect and strange beauty—some shone like a smile, some glistened like tears, and some were flushed like the cheeks of a bride. When with the day's burden I...

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Publié dans #Poetry

Publié le 24 Février 2015

Hey, this wasn't expected!! Hi, well, as you can see, Overblog has forced me to modify the outlook of the blog! As a result, all the Nutan photo albums which I had placed on the left banner were removed to some obscure, out of the way location. So I've...

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